Símbolo de línea Copiar y pegar

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Símbolo de línea Copiar y pegar

Colección de todos los símbolos de línea, simplemente copie su símbolo de línea y péguelo con un solo clic ╏ ☰ ┇ ◜ 〢 ✕ ─ ◠ ┄ ╳ ⁃ ⑊ ﹉ ╼ ┊ ≡ ☷ 〣 ⎯ ︴ ﹏ ☵ ☲ ╴ ╼. Como línea recta (─), línea vertical (┃), símbolo de línea larga (━━━━━━━━━), línea de barra (│), símbolo de guión vertical (┇) para un solo uso, haga clic en el símbolo o desee copiar varios símbolos y emoji, luego agregue su favorito al portapapeles y luego copie todo con un solo clic.

Símbolo Sentido
Light Vertical Line Symbol
Heavy Vertical Line Symbol
Light Up And Heavy Down Line Symbol
Heavy Up And Light Down Line Symbol
Heavy Double Dash Vertical Line Symbol
Double Vertical Line Symbol
Light Double Dash Vertical Line Symbol
Heavy Triple Dash Vertical Line Symbol
Vertical Em Dash Line Symbol
Light Quadruple Dash Vertical Line Symbol
Vertical Low Line Symbol
Heavy Quadruple Dash Vertical Line Symbol
Light Triple Dash Vertical Line Symbol
Light Up Line Symbol
Hangzhou Numeral One Line Symbol
Hangzhou Numeral Two Line Symbol
Quadrant circular arc line at upper left Symbol
Quadrant circular arc lineat upper right Symbol
Quadrant circular arc line at lower right Symbol
Quadrant circular arc line at lower left Symbol
Upper half circular line Symbol
Lower half circle line Symbol
Heavy Up Line Symbol
Heavy Down Line Symbol
Light Down Line Symbol
Hangzhou Numeral Three Line Symbol
Menu Line Trigram for Heaven Symbol
Trigram for Lake Symbol
Trigram for Fire Symbol
Trigram for Thunder Symbol
Trigram for Wind Symbol
Trigram for Water Symbol
Trigram for Mountain Symbol
Trigram for Earth Symbol
Identical To Symbol
Multiplication X Symbol
Double Horizontal Line Symbol
Heavy Horizontal Line Symbol
Light Horizontal Line Symbol
Heavy Double Dash Horizontal Line Symbol
Heavy Triple Dash Horizontal Line Symbol
Heavy Quadruple Dash Horizontal Line Symbol
Light Triple Dash Horizontal Line Symbol
Light Quadruple Dash Horizontal Line Symbol
Light Double Dash Horizontal Line Symbol
Light Left Line Symbol
Light Right Line Symbol
Heavy Left Line Symbol
Heavy Right Line Symbol
Light Left And Heavy Right Line Symbol
Heavy Left And Light Right Line Symbol
Dashed Overline Line Symbol
Dashed Low Line Symbol
Centreline Overline Line Symbol
Centreline Low Line Symbol
Vertical En Dash Line Symbol
Ocr Double Backslash Line Symbol
Vertical Wavy Low Line Symbol
Wavy Low Line Symbol
Wavy Overline Line Symbol
Light Diagonal Cross Line Symbol
Light Diagonal Upper Left To Lower Right Line Symbol
Light Diagonal Upper Right To Lower Left Line Symbol
Vertical Kana Repeat Mark Lower Half Line Symbol
` Grave Accent Line Symbol
Canadian Syllabics Final Acute Line Symbol
Hyphen Line Symbol
Hyphen Bullet Line Symbol
Horizontal Line Extension Line Symbol
English Español